IMG_6359E | Dysbiota peregrina
_41I0084E | Orthodera novaezealandiae
2011-03-29-10.23 | Morning Dew reflection
IMG_9326E | Female Hexathele hochstetteri
IMG_9326E | Female Hexathele hochstetteri
Hexathele hochstetteri | Banded tunnel web spider
IMG_9119E | stripped flatworm
IMG_9116E | Male Hemideina thoracica
Hemideina thoracica | Auckland Tree Weta
IMG_9116E | Male Hemideina thoracica
IMG_0094E | Porcellio scaber
IMG_9794E | Cornu aspersum | Garden Snail
IMG_9779E | Fly
IMG_0190E | Pieris rapae
IMG_9729E | Male Salsa fuliginata
Diaea Albomaculata, Thomisinae, Thomisidae | Flower Spider
Diaea Albomaculata, Thomisinae, Thomisidae | Flower Spider
IMG_6424W | Male Helpis minitabunda
IMG_6048E | Neactina opposita
IMG_5190E | Female Maratus griseus - with egg sac
IMG_5187E | Female Maratus griseus - with egg sac
Carmichaelia sp
IMG_9444EE | Carmichaelia sp
Carmichaelia spp | Native Broom
Carmichaelia sp
IMG_7424E | Eurasian blackbird | Manu pango
IMG_6476E | Female Zealaranea trinotata
IMG_0246E | Macarostola miniella
IMG_1759E | Limax maximus - mating
IMG_1757E | Limax maximus - mating
IMG_0060E-Edit | Poecilopachys australasia - spiderlings
IMG_9039E | Siphanta acuta Nymph
IMG_6772E | Dysbiota peregrina
Diaea Albomaculata, Thomisidae
Diaea Albomaculata, Thomisidae
Diaea Albomaculata, Thomisidae
IMG_4563E | Dasypodia cymatodes
IMG_3630E | Scolypopa australis
IMG_3616E | Scolypopa australis
IMG_3414E | Male Leucauge dromedaria
IMG_4148E | Pieris rapae
IMG_2624E | Little black shag | Kawau tūī
Rhomphaea urquharti with eggsac
Uliodon albopunctatus, Zoropsidae - with prey
IMG_0106E-Edit | Juvenile Female Poecilopachys australasia
Carmichaelia sp
IMG_9203E | Cixiinae
IMG_9133E | Female Intruda signata
IMG_7920E | Female Helpis minitabunda
DSC_5474E | Drymaplaneta heydeniana
DSC_4576E-2 | Yellow Flatworm
Smooth stick insect (Clitarchus hookeri)
DPP_38392E | Male Opisthoncus polyphemus
DPP_38386E | Male Opisthoncus polyphemus
DPP_38375E | Male Opisthoncus polyphemus
DPP_38374E | Male Opisthoncus polyphemus
DPP_38302E | Male Dolomedes minor
DSC_5554E | Mallard ducks | Rakiraki
Male Sidymella longipes, Thomisidae
DPP_34563E | Cixiinae
Diaea ambara, Thomisinae
DPP_34474E2E | Diaea ambara - With Prey
Diaea ambara, Thomisinae
DPP_34375E | Cixiinae, Nymph
DPP_31002E | Mating flies
DPP_27528E | Hermetia illucens
DPP_7284E | Helina sexmaculata
DPP_1376E | Seed bug
Wingless wasp
DPP_1177EcropZ | Wingless wasp
Wingless wasp
DPP_0285E | Holoplatys sp
DPP_0282E | Holoplatys sp
Meadow Katydid |Conocephalus sp
DSC_5761E | Cicada Sheeding