BNM_W02325E | Weevils - mating BNM_W02234E | Forsteropsalis sp Welcome swallow | Warou Welcome swallow | Warou BNM-00280E | Dicksonia fibrosa Geoglossum australe Geoglossum australe McQ_03827E | McQ_03827E | Poppies McQ_03827E | McQ_03827E | Poppies Poppies McQ_02874E | Ploiaria antipodum McQ_01908E | Arion intermedius McQ_01891E | Cubaris tarangensis _48A3515E | Green & Golden bell frog | Litoria aurea McQuillan14677E | Bulbophyllum pygmaeum McQuillan11276E | Male Amaurobioides sp McQuillan11275E | Female Amaurobioides sp McQuillan11271E | Male Amaurobioides sp McQuillan11265E | Female Amaurobioides sp McQuillan11257E | Female Amaurobioides sp McQuillan11246E | Male Amaurobioides sp McQuillan11357E-Enhanced | Ooperipatellus viridimaculatus McQuillan11357E-Enhanced | Ooperipatellus viridimaculatus Ooperipatellus viridimaculatus, Peripatopsidae - egg laying _48A7062E2E | Female Porrothele antipodiana Female black tunnel web spider | Porrothele antipodiana Bristletail | Nesomachilis sp _48A4912E | Male Matachia sp 5DsR_B09486E | Anax papuensis _21A1625 | Cryptaranea sp _41I0084E | Orthodera novaezealandiae _21A0800E | Female Trite _21A4730E | Dictynidae _21A3980R2 | Male Trite planiceps Anoteropsis hilaris, Lycosidae - with eggsac Anoteropsis hilaris, Lycosidae - with eggsac Ranoidea aurea | Green & Golden bell frog IMG_5780E | Ranoidea aurea | Green & Golden bell frog IMG_8019-EditE | Female Dolomedes minor - with Prey IMG_7024E | Juvenile Trite planiceps - with prey IMG_1741E | Female Helpis minitabunda IMG_1610E | Mnesarchella loxoscia IMG_0875E | Female Helpis minitabunda IMG_0421E | Dictynidae IMG_0358E | Dictynidae IMG_2685E | Dictynidae IMG_0436E | Female Amaurobioides sp IMG_6048E | Neactina opposita IMG_0004E | Xanthocnemis zealandica Xanthocnemis zealandica, Coenagrionidae IMG_9826E | Dictynidae Serpho sp, Charopidae IMG_3429E | Serpho sp IMG_0069E | Dictynidae IMG_0007E | Dictynidae IMG_0057E2 | Trite planiceps IMG_9991E | Dictynidae IMG_1167E | Holoplatys sp - with eggsac IMG_9606E | Female Opisthoncus polyphemus DPP_38392E | Male Opisthoncus polyphemus DPP_34271E | Male Opisthoncus polyphemus DPP_32141E | Holoplatys sp DPP_31004E | Holoplatys sp Female Opisthoncus polyphemus DPP_7772E | Male Opisthoncus polyphemus View Slideshow